Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Make this the year for your business to target the Hispanic market.

This announcement comes from ISES member Katalina Gomez.

NETWORK NATURALLY. For Latins & Latin Lovers: SCOTTSDALE LATIN GROUP (ISES member Katalina Gomez) celebrates, educates, preserves & passes on the Latin culture via different types of events.
Contact Katalina @ for more details.

SOMOS ASI! CONCERT SERIES: Upscale Cocktail Concert Events coming up: FEBRUARY 14, 2009 @ 6:30PM Contemporary Italian Concert/Cocktail

VALENTINE'S DAY - FRIENDSHIP DAY LOCATION: Private elegant Tuscan style home in Scottsdale WHO: SINGLES and couples Don't make other arrangements. This is THE place to celebrate Love & Friendship. Romance defined via LIVE music, food, ambiance & activities. There are many kinds of loves & we all love certain people or something. Come if you HAVE a love. Come if you BELIEVE in love. We'll celebrate & share the sentiment of love & friendship. And if you ARE one of those praying for love - maybe you'll even find it this night.
Contact: 480.246.7740

FEBRUARY 28, 2009 @ 6:30PM Andean Cocktail/Concert CELEBRAMOS LO ANDINO! LOCATION: Private elegant Tuscan style home in Paradise Valley WHO: ALL AGES Experience the beautiful, mysterious Authentic music & wonderful food of the South American Andes mountain region. We'll have a speaker & other surprises. Contact: 480.451.8742 - 480.246.7740

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